Travel Along the Ohio Scenic Byway Tour 
Bath Township, Summit County

Bath Township is home to the Heritage Corridors, a designated scenic byway, including 12-scenic country roads through the historic Cuyahoga Valley National Park,  Bath Nature Preserve, Hale Farm and Village, and three nineteenth century hamlets. Visitors will enjoy cemeteries, mills, and the historic farm and home of Jonathan Hale. The drive spans a 42 mile area and will take approximately an hour and 24 minutes.

To remain a designated scenic byway, and be grant eligible through the Ohio Department of Transportation, a five-year Corridor Management Plan must be submitted to the ODOT Office of Environmental Services:

Community members with interest in preserving the scenic byway and promoting the history of Bath Township, consider joining the Heritage Corridors committee.

More information is available through the Ohio Department of Transportation's Scenic Byways website